Ouch I kicked the car What the fuck? You do not see it on the GoPro, but it shows me the middle finger He has him back To hell Why are you yelling at me? So, what do you want to do now? If you want to call the police, go away I hear you You know, I will not hurt you Hurry up and pump him up You will not do that! Can not we? Come down! Calm down! Do you hear me? I am the boss here! OK! I understand it yes Everything is dirty because of you! Where? Let's inflate the tire! Please stop screaming! Why do not you just talk to us normally? Calm down! Okay, put it on the spot It's okay, but do not touch me Quickly pump him up The guy has lost his mind! I told you not to take this! Can you try to talk to us normally? Why are you yelling at me? I can hear you well Take off your helmet