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Orlando becomes an ambassador abroad, the place one day he wakes up as a girl — in a rose-and-mint dress with a mane-like collar of flowers — and the effectively second-class life that comes with that new gender. By the end of Act I, in a departure from the novel and the beginning of the opera’s extra evident politics, she speaks of sexual abuses towards youngsters in Victorian-era Britain and vows to rewrite historical past for ladies.

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Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesly): I couldn’t stop laughing when we shot the scene where Jan catches me consuming. It was insane. There is a scene the place they’re giving us a tour of the home, and Steve explains that he sleeps on the little chaise longue at the finish of the mattress, and we couldn’t get via that scene. Every time he went to clarify that that’s the place he slept, the best way he delivered that was so humorous, and then he would, like, curl up. We couldn’t get by means of it. The most important one was when he is showing us his flatscreen tv. And it is so tiny. We laughed so laborious, like, tears have been streaming down our faces.

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