you can make donations if there is a possibility and desire, the link in the description blyat hazard! suka , yop tvoyu mat! Has he touched Niva? And he escaped, a cowardly coward! I will tell him that we have a dash camera dodging the truck wheel This is probably part of the training program of Russian driving schools as well as knowledge of the necessary abusive words it was in the RSC, but it was was not published in the SC wedding car escort vehicle yeah! carefully! And how did it come about? the tower of Sauron is to blame ahead USA blyat with bodywork Bro I'm going left! blyat! epilepsy Thailand very good (zaebis) blyat! drunk driving the driver and passenger of the SUV are alive moto blyat blyat! suka! What was it? it was horned blyat sort of like, everyone is alive tvoyu mat! cool how motorcyclists leave for heaven training maneuvers of fire aviation mess! in the main role an ambulance driver, a descendant of hell, a predator of roads) business conversations behind the scenes watch the video
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