-You know it didn't have to come to this could've been easily sorted out if you had just told me where it is Been looking for it for months I even asked plants and animals about it Have you seen it? Have you seen this? Sorry, have you se Oh […]
Find out how a prank on New Year’s Eve went so bad it resulted in the death of a young man and now the family turned around, bringing a lawsuit seeking compensation for the harms and injuries that he suffered Find out why a judge gave this family compensation of […]
Welcome to Stupid Christian comments episode 12 This video series presents and addresses some of the amazingly stupid comments by Christians found on the internet Here are this week's top picks Alright, at the onset I think it prudent to start by revisiting Matthew chapter 10 verses 34 through 37 […]
muhammed ali has passed away we upda rest in peace in status and leave it so does one day enough to remember about this legend? NO NEVER according to me he is my personal inspiration and a great legend who left his legacy deep to know that we had lived […]
Are you ready to model? I hate myself for doing that How did you feel when you found out that my parents are not really improving? The main reason why I approached you guys is because you guys look different just like me and Sophia We came to Kenyan Barbecue […]