territory of smart drivers Ukraine hey, I'm going 50 miles an hour in reverse USA he seems to be alive damned cyclists blyat suka yourbBBunnywrote! stupid two-wheeled insect blyat What are you suka doing? yurbunnylamb blyat! are you okay? Yes or no? the road sign escaped with a mild fright suka The black Seden had a technical malfunction The driver's brother came to the rescue, on the blue subcompact
The driver of the sedan remained in this world, his brother went to heaven Operator 212, hello Hello, crash on the ring road of St Petersburg specifies the address are you a participant in the accident? no, I'm an eyewitness I liked those colored pencils Well, we already bought everything you need мама mum I do not want, I do not want maybe this is an old video yes! yoptvoyu mat! blyat ebat three went to heaven The cyclist was not injured locust intervention