political wrote a story bizarre carried on and in that sources say that a republican governor saying quote he's like bush only without the brains idea like that that's often and uh then you go to that texas book on the state mcneeley is recovering also since nineteen sixty three so cynical politicians is is in terms of share brains of understanding also that the level he drank pretty low says bought another hand uh but as far as powerful dissonant role he's the most powerful texas governor in history now look there's a critical difference if you ask me is rick perry dem i'd say it depends on what you mean looked when it comes to policy city a that that's because he doesn't care to know that's all it is interesting is so it's a good they were what we do about china he doesn't know he he he got a question on that did not answer it in any way shape or form citizen in a damn about china he is readily admit i don't know all the foreign leaders yet but if you're running for president and says you should try to lead a couple important what's right when it comes to any of us upscale is unconstitutional somebody talk right all that stuff yeah season eight it's a sad tale and uh
is very somewhat when it comes to politics they're not stupid it's a matter of interest in not interested just not interested in this like me the that like do i know anything about hockey notes i wanna know anything about hot right the promise from pat running to be that kind of any self-pride but they are but when it comes to bar the sale of that a lot and terry but terry is really good at it and the way that he does it is exactly what i thought about all the time is the politics of strength he just comes n fighting them made any sense in the rain because somebody in the jaw and than other commentator from texas here said look graveyard of texas politicians is filled with people who want our estimated or miss underestimated rick perry because they thought he was not but he has not done in the area politics he knows how to find he knows how to feel the people he knows how to be a campaign donations he doesn't think rocket scientist to go ok how i would elections by raising millions and millions of dollars so i can run these ads little trick people into voting for me how do i get those millions of dollars by doing favors for the guys giving me the money which were terry's also map we've shown you that before article after article about it with his second largest owner gets a five hundred million dollar project in texas within the next that that before the project they're losing millions of dollars and the bride and the reg why they don't make very startling admission and the list goes on and on so he knows how to do favors to get the donations he knows how to get peeled for the lowest common denominator among the voters to get them to a bank get on a side so doggone are estimated i think he has a pretty decent politician the promise he cares so little about policy thereby being or good dominant policy there is some point he's gonna make too many errors will back cost and we don't know depends on who is our position is how good is romney and fighting against them and if you make some of the general election how good campaigner all bumblebee to make him pay the price for same crazy things like we should get rid of social security medicare weight majority over three quarters the country love those programs tv runs a against we politicians he can break there john went